Simple Wills
A simple Will is necessary to reflect your wishes. It is suitable for those who are not married, or joined in a civil partnership. It is also suitable for those with or without children.
In your Will you appoint executors. These are the people who are left to manage and administer your affairs. Often parents, brothers, sisters or even friends are appointed. You may even choose professional executors if your affairs are particularly complicated.
If your children are still under the age of 18, it is important that you consider who might take care of them. It is usual to consider a family member or even a close friend.
A guardian will have to assume responsibility for decisions affecting your children's day-to-day care. It might make sense to include a trust for your children until they attain the age of 18, 21 or 25 with powers for your trustees to be able to help them financially by advancing money from the trust fund to help in matters of their health, welfare and education.
You may wish to leave a piece of jewellery or all of your jewellery to a friend or relative and you may also want to consider a gift to a favourite charity as well. You will be able to leave the remainder of your estate after making gifts to as many persons you would like, either in equal shares or in varying percentages.
You can even make provisions for the care of your pets. Funeral directions can be included. You can leave this to your executors if you have no specific wish or if have made your decision whether to be buried or cremated, include this in your Will.
Any special wishes concerning flowers or donations to a charity can also be included.
Simple Wills
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Wills Direct
Will Writing Service Since 1993
1 Judges Court
01604 505170
07899 938 255
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