Wills, Trusts & Lasting Power of Attorney
Basic Single Will - Fixed price of £135.00
This is suitable for a single person, widow or divorcee with property, personal possessions or money and investments that they wish to leave to another person, child or charity or for an unmarried person living with their partner with children who wishes to leave all or the majority of their assets to their partner and thereafter to their children in equal shares.
Basic Mirror Wills - Fixed price of £95.00 each Will
This is suitable for married couples with children who wishes to leave all or the majority of their assets to their spouse and thereafter to their children in equal shares or for same sex partners/civil partners that have property, money or cash and investments they wish to leave to each other, their children, a charity or another person. It involves two Wills, one each for you and your spouse/partner/civil partner. This will allow for timely and efficient administration of the estate for specified beneficiaries.
Will Trusts
If you require the addition of a Trust in your Will, please speak to one of our expert advisors to discuss what type of Will Trust would be suitable for you and your family and the associated costs.
Lasting Power of Attorney
If you require a Lasting Power of Attorney, please speak to one of our expert advisors who can explain the difference between the two types of Lasting Power of Attorney available, the benefits and costs.
Wills Direct
Will Writing Service Since 1993
1 Judges Court
01604 505170
07899 938 255
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